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Here are lists of organisations and services that provide emotional and practical support and gender-affirming care.
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Desire for gender-affirming medical care before age 18 in transgender and nonbinary...
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Twenty-five is not a neurobiologically determined age of maturity for gender-affirming...
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Sibling support for transgender and gender-diverse youth: A scoping review
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Supporting parents of gender diverse youth amidst evolving legal dynamics
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Lived experiences of parenting transgender and gender nonconforming youth: Implications...
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“Accepting a transgender child Is to Improve the way one Llves on this planet”:...
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Understanding family support for transgender youth: Impact of support on psychosocial...
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The role of supportive and unsupportive family behaviours in the mental health of...
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Mental health of transgender youth following gender identity milestones by level of...
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Suicide ideation among transgender and gender diverse adolescents: The role of parental...
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Pride and body image among transgender and nonbinary adults: the mediating role of body...
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A Qualitative inquiry into the oppression experienced by Australian transgender and...
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Sociodemographic factors associated with suicide outcomes in transgender and gender...
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Mental health diagnoses and suicidality among transgender youth in hospital settings
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Associations between gender dysphoria, eating disorders, and mental health diagnoses...
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An exploratory study of stressors, mental health, insomnia, and pain in cisgender girls,...
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Mental health outcomes of transgender and gender diverse students in schools: a...
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The prevalence of coexisting mental health conditions in gender diverse autistic people:...
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Queer Family- Support for children and young people (NSW)
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Reidentification With Birth-Registered Sex in a Western Australian Pediatric Gender...
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Experts declare Trump Jr’s trans claim as fake news
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Early access to testosterone therapy in transgender and gender-diverse adults seeking...
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The positive aspects of being the parent of a trans child: Findings from Trans Pathways
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The Specialist Trans and Gender Diverse Health Service (NSW)
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Affirmation-support, parental conflict, and mental health outcomes of transgender and...
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‘I just want to feel equal to others’: Hearing from trans and gender diverse...
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Western Kids Health Gender Diversity Clinic (WA)
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The DC Book of Pride: A Celebration of DC’s LGBTQIA+ Characters
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Crossing Time: Australia’s transgender history
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The sibling experience: growing up with a trans sibling
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Mental health resources for parents and caregivers
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Gender fluidity: What it means and why support matters
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Disordered eating behaviors among transgender youth
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Watching for eating disorders in transgender teens
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Gender Diversity Service, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth (WA)
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The Future Proofing Study: Design, methods and baseline characteristics of a prospective...
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